BitClub Network Presentation
With a lot of people in Africa currently talking about BitClub Network, or joining BitClub Network, you may have heard of it but are not 100% sure what it is.
Basically, BitClub is a bitcoin mining platform with a network marketing component built in.And if you haven’t heard of bitcoin, or have at best only a limited understanding of it, it’s a crypto-currency that is garnering a lot of interest around the world due it being the best performing investment globally over the last few years.
(A crypto-currency is an internet currency, and as opposed to a “fiat” currency (like the rand, the euro, the US$ or the yen) which you can see and hold, a crypto-currency can be neither seen, held or felt. Confused? Don’t be as you’re not the only one!! Suffice to say that bitcoin is a) the leading and most well-known crypto-currency b)t is real money that you can use to buy goods and services and c) there’s a lot of information about it on the internet.
Google “bitcoin price” and you’ll find tons of interesting information there.
What initially got me interested in bitcoin was when I saw that the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Gates, ex-US vice president Al Gore and the CEOs of Google and Paypal had been investing in it and were looking at it as the way of the future.
Another thing that attracted me to bitcoin was, that due to its algorithmic nature, there can only ever be 21 million bitcoin (BTC) in circulation – which said to me that the price would have to increase over time. (This, purely due to supply and demand).
I got involved with bitcoin about 15 months ago. The price then was $440. Today, it’s more than $2 500. This is incredible growth, and there are a lot of knowledgeable people around the world who believe that the price could go a LOT higher. In expectation of this, a lot of new money has flown into the currency recently – from people who would not normally have invested.
So, how to invest? In many countries, including in Africa, one can go to the likes of, open a free account and buy bitcoin, paying for it in one’s local currency.
Once you’ve made payment, your bitcoin are sent to the bitcoin wallet that was opened for you when you opened an account. That’s it – you have bitcoin. Quick and easy.
If there’s one drawback to buying bitcoin online is that if you buy one bitcoin, you will remain having one bitcoin.Yes, the price of bitcoin may go up, but the amount of bitcoin you have will stay the same ie one.
Enter BitClub Network.
BitClub Network was started about four years back by an American gentleman, Russ Minvergas.
Russ resides in South East Asia and is a an absolute expert in crypto-currencies. Being an experienced networker, he saw bitcoin as a product with an incredible future and set out to build a platform that people could join to make more of their bitcoin. This, by buying a share in a mining pool that BitClub Network would mine bitcoin on their behalf, through a bitcoin mining facility in Rekjavik, in Iceland. By having Bitclub mine bitcoin of your behalf, the amount of bitcoin you hold increases on a daily basis as you are mining bitcoin, and not just holding bitcoin. There’s a difference!
Over the past four years, membership of Bitclub Network has sky-rocketed to the point where there are now more 50 000 members globally, in countries as diverse as Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Dubai.
While still in its infancy, there are a number of people already making really good money through their bitcoin mining shares whilst a great many more are setting themselves up nicely to make big money in the future.
Whilst one can join Bitclub Network purely as an investor ie you buy a share in one of three mining pools –Pool 1, Pool 2, Pool 3 or the Founder’s pool (which gives you one share in each of the three pools), one can join with the intention of building a team. It is those who choose the latter option who stand to make big money.
Buying into a mining pool with no intention of building a team is also a good investment though, as you can expect returns of between 3 and 5% per month: a superb investment when you compare it to returns from other investments.
As you read this, BitClub Network has more than 4 000 paid members on the African continent alone and its membership is exploding in a growing number of countries. It is also showing huge growth in Japan, Malaysia and South Korea. Dubai and the UAE will also see big numbers coming onboard.
A solid, ethical and transparent business, with all bitcoin transactions open for public scrutiny on the public ledger Blockchain – see – Bitclub Network is going from strength to strength, with many exciting developments in the pipeline.
Before one can join as a paid member, one has to register as a free member first.
Unless you’ve already been introduced to the business (in which case you should register under the person who introduced you), you’re welcome to register under me.
Go to and click on SIGN UP at the top right of the screen. Where it asks for the username of a sponsor, type in tyron100. As soon as you’ve done so, I’ll have you added to the whatsapp group set up in your country and email you more information. or simple click this link and you will jus sign up